SGGS Angg 644

Raag Sorath -Sorath Ki Vaar M.4.

Slok M.3

Guru Ji tells us of the blessings which flow upon you, as you serve the Satguru.

Service of the Satguru is fruitful if one performs it with love in his heart; he gets blessed, and receives the fruits of his mind’s desires, and egotism departs from within.

“Satgur ki sewa safalh hai je ko kare chit laaye; mann chindiya falh paavna haumai vicho jaaye.”

His bonds get broken, he is liberated, and he remains absorbed in the True Lord; it is so difficult to get Naam in these times. It comes to dwell in the mind of the gurmukh.

“Bandhan torhe mukat hoye Sache rahe samaaye; eis jag me Naam alabh hai gurmukh vasse man aaye.”

Nanak says, one who serves the Guru (Shabad), I am a sacrifice unto him.

“Nanak jo Gur seveh aapna hao tinn balharey jaao.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Sorath