SGGS Angg 407. 

Raag Assa Mehla 5.

A jeev isteri is shown a variety of things. She is told she can choose to have gold, jewels, giant glittering pearls, rubies, royal power, riches, power, mansions, and  palaces.

She has the benefit of Gurmat, and is committed to Naam. She rejects all such enticement and says she wants only the Beloved Lord. This fascinating Shabads begins with her clear choice. I want only my Loving Beloved. That in fact is the central thrust of this Shabad.

“Oha Prem Piri.” (rahao).

I do not desire gold, jewels, giant pearls, or rubies. Neither do I yearn for Imperial power, riches, royal commands or mansions. I desire none of these things.

“Kanak manak gajj motiyan lallan neh nah nahi; Raaj na bhag na hukam na sadan; kich kich na chahi.”

She declares. I am dedicated to the Sanctuary of the Lord’s Feet (Bani) and His Saints (Guru). From this Sanctuary, I obtain the greatest peace.

“Charnan Sharnan Santan Bandhan; sukho sukh pahi.”

She now says, the Lord has doused out all the fires of passions and greed in me. I am now United with my Beloved Husband Lord.

“Nanak tapatt hari;  milhe Prem Piri.”

Shabad Veechar by Manjeet Singh

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube


Raag Assa