SGGS Angg 638.

Raag Sorath M. 3.

This Shabad has a historical reference. Guru Ji replied the Ardas by His Sikhs in 1920.

On 12th October 1920, some Khalsa College students wanted to take sewa of karah pashad at Harimandar Sahib. They were newly converted Sikhs and were from the mazhabi caste.

In 1920, Harimandar was under the control of the British who had appointed a Sarbrah (manager) to run the daily affairs. Pujaris (not Gyanis) were appointed to do ardas and run the chaunkis.

In those days you went to the pujari and told him you wanted to take some sewa like karah parshad. The pujari would accept the offering and do ardas in Harimandar Sahib after each kirtan chaunki. Nowadays of course this is not possible as payment for karah parshad is made at a different counter. Some degh is given to the Sikh and at the entrance most of the degh is added to a huge container for distribution to the sanggat.

The pujaris refused degh di sewa by the mazhabi students on the grounds that they were low caste. A fracas almost took place. There were wise Sikhs present. They reasoned with the pujaris that the Gurus said “updesh chao varna ko sanjha” and no caste distinctions were allowed in the teachings of SGGS Ji.

All agreed to do ardas before SGGS Ji and ask the Guru whether the sewa by the mazhabi Sikhs should be accepted. Guru Ji’s Hukamnamas are always accurate and speak eternal truths. But the astonishing clarity with which Guru Ji answered the ardas takes the breath away. Question posed in ardas was “should we accept degh sewa from low caste Sikhs?”

Guru Ji answered with the above Hukam from Angg 638. Raag Sorath M. 3.

He Blesses the worthless ones and puts them to the service of the Guru.

“Niguniya nu aape baksh laye bhai Satgur ki sewa laaiye.”

Sewa of the Satguru is sublime and your consciousness gets attached to the Lord’s Name.

“Satgur ki sewa uttam hai bhai Ram Naam chit laaiye.”

And the rahao left everyone astounded. It was a rebuke to the pujaris.

The Lord Himself forgives and unites with Himself; although I am without virtue and full of faults, the Pura Satguru has blended me with Himself.

“Har jio aape baksh milaiye; karamheen jam apradhi bhai Pure Satgur leiye ralaiye” (rahao).

The entire Shabad spoke of the graciousness of the Satguru in allowing sewa to all and blending with Himself.

In the 7th pada the Satguru said I fall at the feet of those who serve the Satguru.

“Jo Satgur sevay apna tin ke hao laago paaiye.”

Not only that. By sewa of the Satguru one leads a fulfilled life and can even save his entire generation.

“Janam savaree apna bhai kull bhi leiye bakshaiye.”

The Shabad is Infinite and applies to all in all situations. The background in which the Guru’s Hukamnama was received, one is left amazed. SGGS Ji is eternally Alive.

Shabad Viakhya by Manjeet Singh 

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Sorath