SGGS Angg 694.

Raag Dhanaasree – Bhagat Ravidas Ji.

Many would have experienced this situation a few times in their spiritual journey.

They do Naam. Do simran. Engage in sewa. Yet, they get stuck at a particular point. No solution seems in sight. You repeatedly ask God within you, in accordance with
“Har naave naal gallan Har naave naal maslatt…” (Ang 592).
Yet you get no answer.
Bhagat Ji expresses such a situation.

In the rahao, Bhagat Ji says I love Your Name O All Pervading Lord; why are You silent?”

“Hao bal bal jaoo Rameiya karney; kaaran kavan abhol?”

But the great Bhagat does not despair. In the next line He says although I have been separated from You in many lives, this life I dedicate to You. In other words I will carry on praying in the hope that one day You may bless me with Your Darshan.

Bhagat Ji teaches us resilience. We must persevere and lovingly surrender to Him.

This path is “bikham marag”, extremely tough.

“Bahut janam bichre thay Madho eh janam tumare lekhay”

“Kaho Ravidas aas lagg jivho chirr bheyo Darshan dehkay”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Dhanaasree