SGGS Angg 527

Raag Devgandhaaree (Devgandhari) M.4

Guru Ji advises the mind to always recite the Name of the Lord. This is very important. It is the first step on the Spiritual Path. As you continuously recite, some reflection on God’s Name will start with the Grace of the Guru. One cannot truly reflect without His Grace as Guru Ji tells us
” jorh na surtee gyan vichaar” (Japji Sahib). In fact we are told to recite continuously.
” barungbaar baar baar Prabh japiye.” (Sukhmani Sahib). Reciting the Lord’s Name should never be contemptuously referred to as “ratta” – senseless babbling. Recital is the first step. What you are reciting is the Gurmantar or the Mool Mantar or any line of Gurbani, which is Nirankar Ji, Himself. An inner love will well up in you as you recite. This is also infused with the Guru’s Grace. “Nanak preet laaye Prabh Aape.” (Ang 826).
As we recite, we cannot say with precision when He gets Pleased and bestows His Grace. Ajamal was so blessed that he was emancipated by recting the Name of the Lord just once. ” Ajamal udhreiya keh Eik baar.” (Ang 1192). Thus reciting the Lord’s Name can never be in vain.

Guru Ji starts the Shabad by stressing that one should recite the Lord’s Name continuously by the mouth, always consciously engaging the mind. The repetitition of “Har Har Har” is to stress repeated recitation.

“Mere mann mukh Har Har Har boliye.”

As you keep on reciting, the gurmukh gets drenched with the deep crimson color of the Lord’s Love, and his (body) shawl get’s saturated with the Lord’s Love.

“Gurmukh rang chalule ratti Har Prem bhinni choliye.” (rahao).

As one gets drenched with love for the Divine, one wanders quite bewildered and unsettled (the world sees such a one to be quite mad – deewana), seeking out the Darling Lord.

“Hao phiro deewani aawal baawal Tis kaaran Har dholiye.”

Such a jeev isteri cries out, “I am prepared to be the slave of whoever Unites me with my Lord.”

“Koyee melay mera Pritam Pyara ham tis ki gull golliye.”

As she has been reciting the Lord’s Name in the Guru’s Sharan, the Satguru (Shabad), tells her to Please her Satguru and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord. (you maanavho the Satguru by engaging in selfless sewa, honest living, and reciting His Name, living in His Hukam and accepting His Bhana).

“Satgur Purakh manaavho aapna Har Amrit pi choliye.”

Servant Nanak says, by the Guru’s Grace, she finds the Lord she was seeking, within herself.

“Gur Parsad jann Nanak paaya Har ladda deh tolliye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Manjeet Singh 

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Devgandhaaree