SGGS Angg 617

Raag Sorath M.5

The Satguru tells all Sikhs that the Lord is Imperishable, and Provides for all beings. As you meditate upon such a Wonderful Lord, all (karmic) filth is removed.

“Abhinasi jiaan ko Data simrat sabh malh khoyee.”

He is the Treasure of all Virtues, and these Virtues are practised by His Saints, yet very few actually merge into the Lord.

“Gunn Nidhan bhagatan ko bartan birla paavhe koyee.”

Guruj  Ji advises all Sikhs.

O my mind recite the Guru (Shabad), the Lord of the world; you receive peace as you enter His Sanctuary, and you shall not endure pain again.

“Mere mann jap Gur Gopal Prabh soyee; ja ki Sharan peiyah sukh paiyeh bahurh dukh na hoyee.” (rahao).

It is by great good fortune that one obtains Sadhsanggat. As you abide in it, your evil mindedness is eliminated; slave Nanak yearns for the dust of the feet of those who have woven the Lord’s Name into their hearts.

“Vadhbhagi Sadhsang parapat tin bhetat durmatt khoyee; tin ki dhoor Nanak daas bashe jin Har Naam riday proyee.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Sorath