SGGS Angg 557

Raag Wadhans (Vadhans) M.1

The 2nd Shabad in Raag Vadhans. Two jeev isteri’s speak to each other. One is a blissful Suhagan, while the other desires Union, but is still engrossed in maya.

The Suhagan says:

The Virtuous ones enjoy Union with their Husband, why should the unworthy one cry out?; if she were to remain Virtuous, the Husband Lord would Sport with her too.

“Gunvanti Saho raaviya nirgunn kukay kaaye; je gunvanti thee rahay ta bhi Saho raavan jaaye.”

My Husband Lord is full of love and joy, why should any soul bride want to enjoy the company of others?

“Mera kantt risaalu ki dhan aavra raavey ji.” (rahao).

If the bride soul does good deeds, and strings such goodness as a thread in her mind; she obtains a Priceless Jewel (Naam), and she strings it in her heart (consciousness).

“Karni kaaman je thiye je mann tagga hoye; maanak molh na paaiyeh lijjay chit paroye.”

The seeker now goes into deep introspection and admits her faults.

I ask the Way, but do not follow the Path shown to me and I falsely claim to have reached; I do not speak to You, Lord, (I do not recite Your Name), how can I ever be worthy of a place in Your Home?

“Raah dasaaiye na julla aakhan ambriyaas; teh Saho naal akuaana kyo thivay ghar vaas.”

The Guru concludes the Shabad.

Nanak, there is only One Lord and no other at all; if the soul bride keeps loyally attached to the Lord, He will Sport with her too.

“Nanak Eki bahra dujja nahi koye; teh Saho laggi je rahe bhi Saho ravay soye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Wadhans