SGGS Angg 738.

Raag Suhi M.5

A jeev isteri talks to God about many things. Some realisations have hit her, and she now yearns for Darshan. The Guru observes her, and gives Divine advice.

She says, what Virtues of Yours should I cherish O Great Giver. I have no merits; I am Your Slave, what clever tricks can I employ. This body and soul belong to You.

“Kya gunn Tere saar samalee mohe nirgun ke Datarey; be khareed kya kare chatutayee eh jio pind sabh tharey.”

(Be khareed is used in land transactions in India, particularly in Punjab. It means a piece of property has been sold for valuable consideration, and the transaction cannot ever be re-opened. Here, the Sikh says I am be khareed, i.e. I am Your slave and cannot (and do not wish to), get out of bondage – I do not ever wish to leave Your Sharan).

O my Darling Blissful Beloved who fascinates my mind, I am a sacrifice to Your Darshan.

“Laal Rangiley Pritam Manmohan Tere Darshan ko ham barey.” (rahao).

God, You are the Great Giver, I am a lowly beggar. You are forever and forever, Benevolent; there is nothing I can accomplish by myself, my Infinite Lord and Master, Beyond Reach (by any devices or methods, except His Grace).

Prabh Dataa mohe deen bhekaree Tum sada sada Upkarey; so kich nahi je meh te hovay mere Thakur Aggam Aparey.”

What service should I perform? what should I say to Please You? How can I gain Your Blessed Darshan?; Your extent cannot be found, Your limits cannot be traced. My mind longs for Your Feet (Bani).

“Kya sev kamavho kya keh rijavho bidh kit pavho Darsarey; mitt nahi paiyeh antt nahi lehiyeh mann tarsey Charnarey.”

I beg with persistence that I be given this Gift, that the dust of the Saints (Guru, Sadhsangat) may touch my face. (i.e. I be allowed to sit in utter humility in Their Company); the Guru has showered His Mercy upon servant Nanak. The Lord has delivered me with His Hands.

“Pavho daan dheeth hoye maango mukh laggey Sant renarey; jan Nanak ko Gur kirpa dharee Prabh Haath de Nistarey.

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Suhi