SGGS Ang 1367

Slok Bhagat Kabir Ji Ke.

These are some Sloks of Bhagat Kabir Ji. They all relate to dying. Bhagat Ji is speaking about killing off all ego and all passions which bind you to maya.

Slok 61 says I long to die, but I wish to die at the Lord’s Door; I hope it never happens that the Lord asks “who is this lying at My Door?” (the word “matt” can mean “no.”  It also means “matta ke” i.e. “I hope not.”

“Kabir mohe marne ka chaoo hai maro ta Har ke Dwar; matt Har puche kaun hai para Hamare Baar.”

In Slok no 22 (Ang 1365), Kabir Ji says the world is scared to die (of its ego), but such a death brings bliss to my mind; it is only by such death that one obtains (merger with) the (Lord of) Supreme Bliss.

“Kabir jis marne te jagg darey mere mann anand; marne hi te paiyeh Puran Paramanand.”

In Slok 29, Bhagat Ji says the world keeps on dying (physical deaths), but no one knows how to truly die (i.e. to kill off all ego); let those who die, die such a death, that they shall never have to die again. (i.e through the Shabad)

“Kabir marta marta jag muaa marr bhi na jaaneya koye; aisey marne jo marey bahur na marna hoye.” (Ang 1366)

At Angg 1008, we are told “Gur ke Shabade je marey firr marey na dujji vaar.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Bhagat Kabeer Ji