SGGS Angg 527/528.

Raag Devghandhaaree (Devgandari) M.4

This is the level of surrender one must have as one metha teks to Satguru, SGGS Ji.

Guru Ramdas Ji tells us of a jeev isteri who surrenders herself totally to God. It is a level of internal surrender we must all strive for.

The jeev isteri says I have exhausted (all avenues, all aspects) and have come to my Master; as I come to Your Sanctuary O Lord, do what You wish with me (I accept if You save me, or even kill me).

“Ab ham chali Thakur peh haar; jab ham Sharan Prabhu ki aayi raakh Prabhu bhaave maar.” (rahao).

I have burnt in the fire the clever devices and praises of the world; whether some speak good of me or bad (I am not concerned), I have surrendered my body to You.

“Lokkan ki chaturayee upmaa te bessantar jaar; koyee bhala kaho bhave bura kaho ham tann diyo hai dhaar.”

(I know) anyone who comes to Your Sanctuary O Lord, You save them with Your Merciful Grace; servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary O Dear Lord, please protect my honor.

“Jo aavat Sharan Thakur Prabh Tumri tis rakho kirpa dhaar; jann Nanak Sharan Tumari Har Jio rakho laaj Muraar.”

Shabad Viakhya by Manjeet Singh 

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Devghandhaaree