SGGS Angg 677.

Raag Dhanaasree M.5

A Sikh speaks to God. He has not been blessed with Darshan yet. He pleads for more love for Naam, as that will lead to Union with God.

He says, whether I am at home or outside, I place my trust in You. I know You are always with Your humble servants; O Beloved God, bless me with Your Grace that I may chant Your Name with love.

“Ghar bahar Tera bharvasa Tu jann ke hai sang; kar Kirpa Pritam Prabh apne Naam japho Har rang.”

Lord, You are the strength of this humble servant; whatever You do or Cause to be done Master, I accept all Your decisions.

“Jan ko Prabh apne ka taan; jo Tu kare karavhe Suami sa maslatt parvaan.” (rahao).

The Lord is my honor and salvation and His Glorious Sermon (Naam) is my wealth; servant Nanak has taken the Sanctuary of Your Lotus Feet (Bani); he has learnt this true way of life from the Saints (Guru).

“Patt Parmeshar gatt Narayan dhan Gopal gunn sakhee; Charan Sharan Nanak dass Har Har Santi eh bidh thatee.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Dhanaasree