SGGS Angg 1419.

Shalok Vaaran tay Vadheek M.3 – Slok no. 48,

Guru Ji speaks about the Temple of God within us. Harimandar Sahib as we know in Amritsar was completed in 1589. This Slok is by Guru Amardas Ji who Joti Jote samayeh on 1st September 1574.

Guru Ji says the Lord built the Harimandar (of the body) and dwells in It.

“Harmandar Har sajeya Har vassey jis naal.”

It is only through the Guru’s Teachings that you meet the Lord (within you), after burning your emotional attachment to maya.

“Gurmati Har paaya maya moh parjaal.”

Within the Harimandar there are countless things and you get all the Nine Treasures (all wealth), by contemplating the Lord’s Name.

“Harmandar vastt anek hai Nav Nidh Naam samaal.”

Blessed is that happy soul bride O Nanak who as gurmukh seeks and finds the Lord (within).

“Dhan bhagvanter Nanaka jinna gurmukh ladha Har naal.”

It is by great good fortune that one searches the Temple within the body fortress and finds the Lord within the heart.

“Vadbhagee Garh Mandar khojiya Har hirday payaa naal.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Vaaran Tay Vadheek