SGGS Angg 1321.

Raag Kalyaan M.5.

A Sikh pleads for His Grace. In Gurbani, three imageries are often used. Of the jeev isteri pining for union with her Husband. Of the servant/slave and his Master and of the child and his Parent.

In this Shabad the imagery is that of a child lovingly pleading with his Father.

I have only You as my support, when will You Embrace me?

“Hao tumri karo nit aas Prabh mohe kab gall lavangay” (rahao)

You are the Treasure of Mercy: please bless me that I may sing Your Glorious Praises.

“Prabh kijay Kirpa Nidhan ham Har gunn gavengay”

I am a foolish and ignorant child: Father, please bless me.

“Ham barak mugad iyaan Pita samjavengay”

Your child repeatedly makes mistakes, yet You shower Your Love upon him.

“Sot khin khin bhool vigaarh jagat Pit bhavengay”

I can only receive what You give me.

“Jo Har Suami tum deho soyee ham paavengay”

There is no other place where I can turn to.

“Mohe dujji nahi thaur jis peh ham jaavengay.”

Those whose devotion is pleasing to the Lord, the Lord is pleasing to them; His Light merges with their Light, and they are blended and merged together.

“Jo Har baave bhagat tinna Har bhaavangey; Joti Jote milaaiye Jote ralh jaavengey.”

The Lord Himself shows Mercy, and lovingly attunes you with Himself; servant Nanak has taken His Sanctuary and stands at the Door of the Lord who protects all honor.

“Har Aape hoye Kirpaal Aap liv lavengey; jan Nanak Sharan Dwar Har laaj rakhavengey.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Kalyaan