SGGS Angg 629.

Raag Sorath M.5.

When the Lord’s Name abides in every pore of your body and mind: everyone will congratulate you on your blessings.

“Har man tan vaseya soyee; jeh jeh kar kare sabh koyee”

This state is really a blessing from the Guru; the value of His gifts can never be described.

“Gur Pure ki vadiaaye; ta ki keemat kahi na jayee”

The rahao speaks of the Glory and blessings of Naam.

I am a sacrifice to Your Name; one who is blessed by You, my Beloved, sings Your Praises.

“Hao kurban jayee tere Naave; jis nu baksh leh mere Pyare so jass Tera gaavhe.” (rahao).

You are my Great Lord and Master; You are the Support of the Saints.

“Tu bharo Suami mera; Santa bharvasa Tera.”

Nanak has entered the Lord’s Sanctuary; the faces of the slanderers are blackened.

“Nanak Prabh Sarnayee; mukh nindak ke shayee.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Sorath