SGGS Angg 239/240.

Raag Gauree M.5.

A Sikh sings Praises of the Satguru (Shabad). As you recite His Name, live in accordance with His Hukam, engage in His sewa, if the Satguru is Pleased with you, He blesses you with Darshan.

I remember the Guru (Shabad) with every breath; the Guru is my breath of life and my wealth.

“Tis Gur ko simro saas saas; Gur mere pran Satgur meri raas.”(rahao).

I become truly alive as I gaze upon the blessed Darshan of the Guru; I wash the Guru’s Feet (Bani – I adore Gurbani), and drink in this Water (Amrit Naam).

“Gur ka Darshan dekh dekh jivaa; Gur ke Charan dhoye dhoye pivaa.”

I take my daily bath in the dust of the Guru’s Feet (Gurbani cleanses me); the filth of ego of countless incarnations is washed off.

“Gur ki rein nit majjan karo; janam janam ki haumai malh haro.”

I wave the fan over the Guru; who gave me His Hand and saved me from the great fire (of maya).

“Tis Gur ko chulavho pakha; maha aggan te Haath de rakha.”

I carry water for the Guru’s Household (I engage in sewa at the Gurdwara); from the Guru I learnt about the Mysterious Lord.

“Tis Gur ke greh dhovho paani; jis Gur te Akall Gatt jaani.”

I grind corn for the Guru’s Household (I engage in langgar sewa at the Gurdwara); by His Grace, all enemies become friends.

“Tis Gur ke greh pisho neet; jis Parsad vairi sabh meet.”

The Guru who gave me my soul (enlightened me about my inner being, my jeev); He purchased me, and made me His slave.

“Jin Gur mo ko deena jio; Aapna daasra Aape molh liyo.”

He Himself blessed me with His Love; forever and ever, I humbly bow to the Guru.

“Aape laiyo Aapna pyar; sada sada tis Gur ko kari namaskar.”

My troubles, conflicts, doubts and pains have been dispelled; Nanak says, my Guru is All Capable.

“Kal kalesh bhaye bhram dukh latha; kaho Nanak mera Gur Samratha.”

Shabad Viakhya by Manjeet Singh 

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Gauree