SGGS Angg 488.

Raag Assa – Bhagat Dhanna Ji.

Bhagat Ji tells us the Lord provides sustenance for all in His Own Unique ways. Bhagat Ji gives some delightful examples.

Bhagat Ji starts by telling us we should all lovingly remember the All Capable Lord.

O my consciousness, remember the Merciful Lord, and do not focus on any others; you may wander around the galaxies and worlds, but only what the Lord Wills, shall happen.

“Re chit chetas ki na Dyaal Damodar bibeh na jaanas koyee; je dhaave brahmand khand ko Karta kare so hoyee.” (Rahao).

In the water (bag) of the mother’s womb, He fashions the body with ten gates; (in the womb) He provides nourishment, and preserves the fetus in the fire (of the mother’s womb), such is my Lord and Master.

“Janeni kere udhar udhak me pind kiya das dwara; deh ahaar aggan me rakhe aisa Khasam hamara.”

The mother turtle stays in the water, while her babies are out (i.e. on land). She has no wings to protect them, nor milk to feed them; the Perfect Lord of Supreme Bliss takes care of them, know this in your mind.

“Kummi jal mahe tann tis bahr pankh kheer tin nahi; Puran Parmanand Manohar samjh dekh mann mahi.”

The worm lies hidden in the stone, there is no way for it to escape (and look for food outside); Dhanna says, the Perfect Lord cares for it too, do not harbour any such fears in your being.

“Pakhaan keet gupt hoye rehta ta cho maarag nahi; kahe Dhanna Puran tahu ko matt re jee darahi.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Assa