SGGS Angg 813.

Raag Bilavaal (Bilawal) M.5

In SGGS Ji, the imagery of world ocean is often used. One can only steer across with Naam and the Grace of the Satguru  (Shabad). “Surat Shabad bhav saagar tariye Nanak Naam vakhane.” (Ang 938).

In this Shabad, Guru Ji traces the journey across the world ocean of fire.

Only he who sings the Lord’s Praises can swim across; he dwells in Sadhsanggat and by great good fortune, he meets the Lord.

“Eh saagar soyee tarey jo Har gunn gaaye; Sadhsanggat ke sang vasse vadhbhagi paaye.”

Your slave lives by continually listening to Your Bani, manifested by Your humble servant (Guru); in all the worlds it becomes apparent (manifest) that Your servant has been saved.

“Sunn sunn jivhe daas Tum Bani jan aakhi; pargatt bheyi sabh loh me sewak ki raakhi.” (rahao).

God has saved me from the ocean of fire and doused out all fires; the Guru is my Savior, and has sprinkled the Ambrosial Naam upon me.

“Aggan saagar te kadeiya Prabh jallan bujhaiyee; Amrit Naam jal sacheiya Prabh bhaye sahaiyee.”

The pains of deaths and births has been removed, and I have obtained a place of eternal happiness; as it pleased the Lord, He cut of my noose of doubts and emotional attachments.

“Janam maran dukh kaateya sukh ka thaan paaya; kaati silak bhram moh ki apne Prabh bhaaya.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Bilaaval