SGGS Angg 411.

Raag Assa (Asa) M.9

A Sikh is very troubled. He has no peace of mind.
He asks himself. To whom can I confide the tortured condition of my mind?.

The All Knowing Guru answers him, identifies the root of his problems, and scolds him for all the troubles he has heaped upon himself. Finally, Guru Ji advises him what to do.

The Sikh asks himself. To whom can I pour out the troubled condition of my mind?.

“Birtha kaho kaun sio mann ki.”

The Guru replies. You are engrossed in greed, running around in ten directions, full of hope that you will find wealth.

“Lobh grasiyo das hu dis dhaavat asaa lagiyo dhan ki.” (rahao).

In the pursuit of pleasure, you bring so much pain upon yourself, making yourself servile (grovelling before all), to each and every person you meet.

“Sukh ke het bahut dukh paavat sev karat jan jan ki.”

You stumble from door to door like a dog, oblivious of the need for reflection upon the Lord.

“Duarey duar suaan jio dolatt neh sudh Ram bhajan ki.”

You are losing this human life in vain and you are so far gone, you do not feel ashamed anymore if others laugh at you.

“Manas janam akarath khovatt laaj na lok hassen ki.”

Nanak says, why do you not sing the Lord’s Praises so you can be rid of the evil disposition of your body?.

“Nanak Har jass kyo nahi gavatt komatt binasey tann ki.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Assa