SGGS Angg 1180.

Raag Basant Mehla 5.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji’s fascinating Shabad describing the Basant avastha of the gurmukh. The inner home of the saint is filled with an eternal Spring Season.

Seasons of the physical world come and go. Some are hot. Some cold. Some rainy. Some dry. But the Spring season is the best. It has a balance of everything. There is a nip in the air. A breezy freshness. Everything is lush and green. The Gurus and the Bhagats have used the eternal Spring Season of the mind to describe the joy of union with Satguru/God.

Guru Ji starts by saying I bow in humility before my Guru and I serve Him.

“Gur sevho kar namaskaar”..

Today I experience boundless joy within me.

“Aaj hamare mangalchaar”

Today my inner home has been blessed with tremendous joy

“Aaj hamare maha anand”

My anxieties have vanished and I have merged into the Lord.

“Chintt lathi bhetay Gobind”

My inner home has been blessed with the eternal Spring Season.

“Aaj hamare greh Basant”

Lord, I sing Your Infinite Glorious Praises.

“Gunn gaaye Prabh tum beantt” (rahao).

It is customary for a large section of the Indian population to celebrate holi during the spring season.

The Sikh too celebrates Holi albeit with a difference.

“Aah hamare baney faag.”

In Uttar Pardesh the holi festival is referred to as “fagvaa” or “faag.”

For the Sikh, his Holi is with the Lord’s companions i.e. the satsangees.

“Prabh sangee mil khelan laag”

My true Holi is in serving the saintly ones.

“Holi kinni sant sev”

In the worldly holi colours are dashed upon others. For the Sikh, he gets coloured only by the colour red.

“Rang laaga att laal dev”

Red colour or laal rang is used in Gurbani to describe the inner colour of love for God.

With this colour of God’s love, the mind and body have blossomed into incomparable beauty.

“Man tann mauliyo att anoop.”

Unlike wordly colours, this colour will never fade.

“Sukay nahi chaav dhoop”

By meeting/uniting with the Divine Guru, it is always Springtime within me.

“Sadh Basant Gur milay dev”

The mystical wish fulfilling tree has grown within me. In other words all I wish for, comes true.

“Birkh jameyo hai Parjaat”

It bears unique flowers and fruits and jewels of all sorts.

“Phool lagge phall rattan phaant”

I am fulfilled to the brim singing the Lord’s Praises.

“Tripat aghanay Har gunay gaaye”

I continue to dwell internally upon the Wondrous Lord.

“Jan Nanak Har Har Har dhiaye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Basant