SGGS Angg 693.

Raag Dhanaasree – Bhagat Namdev Ji.

Bhagat Namdev Ji (1270- 1350), was born at Narsi in Maharashtra State.
This Shabad has many Maharastrian words.
Bhagat Ji gives many examples of love found in His kudrat, and expresses his own love for God and Naam.

As water is very precious in the desert, and the creeper weeds are delicious to the camel; as the tune of the hunter’s bell is enticing to the deer, so is the Lord, dear to my mind.
(The hunter tinkles a bell at night, in a particular tune, known as Kandahar raag. The tinkling mesmerises the deer and it becomes irresistibly drawn towards the sound and it gets caught).

“Marvarh jaise neer balhaa belh balha karhala; jio korunk niss naad balha tio mere mann Ramaieya.”

Your Name is beautiful, Your Form is so beautiful, Your love is so very beautiful O All Pervading Lord.

“Tera Naam rurho roop rurho att rang rurho mero Ramaieya.” (rahao).

As rain brings joy to the earth, and the flower’s fragrance is sweet to the bumble bee; as the mango is dear to the nightingale, so is the Lord very dear to my mind.

“Jio dharni ko Inder balha kusam baas jaise bhavarla; jio kokil ko ambh balha tio mere mann Ramaieya.”

As the chakvi duck longs for the sun’s rays, and the Mansarovar lake enchants the swans; as the husband is very dear to the young wife, so is the Lord, dear to my mind.

“Chakvi ko jaise sur balha mansoravar haunsla; jio tarnee ko kantt balha tio mere mann Ramaieya.”

As milk is precious to the baby, and the dewdrop dear to the mouth of the chatrik; as water is dear to the fish, so is the Lord dear to my mind.

“Barak ko jaise kheer balha chatrik mukh jaise jaldhara; machulee ko jaise neer balha tio mere mann Ramaieya.”

All the seekers, sidhas and rishi munis seek Him, but only a rare few behold Him; just as the whole Universe holds Your Name to be dear, so does my mind hold You dear, O Lord.

“Sadik sidh saggal munn chahe birlay kahu deethla; saggal bhavan Tero Naam balha to Namay mann beethla.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Dhanaasree