SGGS Angg 1403.

Sawaiyee (Swaiyye) Mehle 4 ke.

Bhatt Gayand Ji has 13 Swaiyyas in SGGS Ji. All are in Praise of Nirankar Ji and Satguru Ji.
Bhatt Ji uses the words Vaheguru and Vahguru is his Swaiyyas. Gurbani tells us there is no difference between the Satguru and God.

“dujja nahi jaane koye; Satgur Niranjan soye.” (Ang 895).

The word Vaheguru is taken as referring to God, and the word Vahguru is generally taken as referring to the Satguru (Shabad Roop).

This is the 11th Swaiyya by Bhatt Gayand Ji. The Praise therein can be taken as being Praise of God or the Satguru, although a close look at this Swaiyya shows it is in Praise of God.

Firstly, Bhatt Ji says all Your sewaks have been fulfilled throughout the ages, all on account of You.

“Sewak ke bharpur jugh jugh Vahguru Tera sabh sadka.”

O Formless Lord, You are always Gracious, none can say about Your beginnings.

“Nirankar Prabh sada salamat keh na sakay kouu Tu kadh ka.”

You created countless Brahmas and Vishnus whose minds were intoxicated with emotional attachment.

“Brahma Bissan sirey Teh aggnatt tin ko moh bheya mann madh ka.”

You created the 8.4 million species of beings and provided for their sustenance.

“Chavrasi lakh joon upayee rijak diya sabh hu ko tadh ka.”

All you servants have been fulfilled throughout the ages all on account of You.

“Sewak ke bharpoor Vahguru Tera sabh sadka.”‎

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube
