SGGS Angg 486.

Raag Assa – Bhagat Ravidas Ji.

Bhagat Ji describes the blessed life of the Lord’s Saints.

Your Saints are Your body, and their company is Your breath of life; by wisdom bestowed by the True Guru, I know the Saints to be most angelic amongst angelic beings.

“Sant Tuji Tann Sanggat Pran; Satgur gyan jaane Sant Deva Dev.”

O Lord of all, please grant me the company of Your Saints, and their sublime discourse; please give me the love of Your Saints.

“Sant chi Sanggat Sant Katha rass; Sant prem majhe dijjay Deva Dev.” (rahao).

(I wish for) The character of the Saints, their lifestyle, and the service of the servants of the Saints. (The word olag is used. It means to engage in some menial labour, like washing the cups and plates used by Saints, or washing their clothes. This word is used by Guru Nanak Dev Ji too).

“Sant acharan Sant cho marag Sant ch olag olagnee.”

Besides that, I also ask for loving devotional worship, whereby all my wishes get fulfilled; please do not show me the wicked sinners.

“Aur ik maango bhagat chintamann; janni lakhavho asant paapi sann.”

Says Ravidas, he alone is wise who knows this; that there is no difference between the Saints and the Infinite Lord.

“Ravidas bhanne jo jaane so jaan; Sant Ananteh antar nahi.

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Assa