SGGS Ji Angg 205-206

Raag Gauree

A Sikh pleads with the Satguru to save him.

I am without merits; all virtues belong to You.

“Rakh pita prabh mere; mohe nirgun sabh gun tere” (rahao).

I ask to be saved from the five evil passions; I am helpless before them; please save me.

“panch bikhadee ek gareeba rakho rakhanharey”

These five torture me and cause terrible distress; I have come to Your Sanctuary.

“Khedh kare aur bahut santaveh aiyo sharan tuharey”.

I am exhausted and have tried so many devices and methods; yet they cling on to me.

“Kar kar hariyo anik baho bhati chodey kathu nahi”

But I have this one wisdom, that they can be rooted out in sadh sanggat.

“Ek bat sun taki ota sadhsang mit jahi”

The saintly Guru met me in His grace and He infused confidence in me (that I can overpower these five).

“Kar kirpa sant mile mohe tin te dhiraj paaya”.

The Guru gave me His Mantras (Gurbani), and through this Bani I became resolute within.

“Santi mant dio mohi nirbhao gur ka Shabad kamaia”

The Saintly Guru gave me the mantra of fearlessness and I lived with the wisdom of Shabad.

I over powered the terrible torturers through the peaceful loving Bani.

“Jeet laye oye maha bikhadee sahaj suheli Bani”

Now I have enlightenment in my mind and reside at a plane without worldly attachments.

“Kaho Nanak man bheya pargasa paya padh nirbanee.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube


Raag Gauree