SGGS Angg 1193.

Raag Basant – Bhagat Kabeer (Kabir) Ji.

In keeping with the theme of Basant, the eternal Spring season of the mind, (of the True Saints) Bhagat Ji speaks of God. Bhagat Ji uses the word “mauliya,” i.e. to joyfully blossom forth.

The earth is in bloom and so is the sky; in each and every heart He blossoms and manifests from within the being.

“Mauli dharti mauliya akaash; ghat ghat mauliya aatam pargass.”

The Sovereign, All Pervading Lord King, blossoms forth in countless ways; wherever I look, I see Him there, pervading.

“Raja Raam mauliya annat bhaaye; jeh dekho teh rehiya samaaye.” (rahao).

The four Vedas blossom forth about duality (although the Vedas speak about God, they speak about Him in tria gunn maya only, i.e. about the physical state, not His Formless State –

“charey Ved kathay akaar.” – Ang 154); the Simritees blossom forth together with other Scriptures.

“Dutiya maulay char Bedh; Simrit mauli seyo Katebh.”

Shiva blossoms forth (i.e. finds joy in) in yoga and meditation; (but I blossom forth only with the All Pervading Lord) Kabir’s Lord and Master perfectly pervades all alike.

“Shankar mauliyo jogh dhyaan; Kabir ko Suami sabh samaan.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Basant