SGGS Angg 1125.

Raag Bhairo M.5

A Sikh sings Praises of God. He knows that everything happens in His Will, yet the whole Play is so fascinating and the canvas so vast, that he expresses his inability to ever describe the Awesome Majesty of God.

Without You, nothing can ever happen; You continuously create and You gaze upon all, knowing everything that happens.

“Tujh te bahar kichu na hoye; Tu kar kar dekhe jaane soye.”

What can I say, it is beyond words; whatever exists, is by Your Will.

“Kya kahiye kich kahi na jaaye; jo kich ahe sabh Teri Rajaaye.”  (rahao).

Whatever is to be done has to come from You; unto which other can I (thus) offer my prayers? (i.e. to none other).

“Jo kich karna so Tere paas; kis aage kiche ardaas.”

I speak and hear Your Bani (Revelations to the Gurus); You Yourself know all Your Wondrous Play.

“Aakhan sunnan Teri Bani; Tu Aape jaane sarab vidhaani.”

You act Yourself and cause others to act, knowing all; Nanak says, He observes all that He creates and destroys.

“Kare Karaaye jaane Aap; Nanak dekhe thaap uthaap.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Bhairo