SGGS Angg 136.

Raag Majh M.5.

Bara Maha Majh has 14 padas. An introductory pada followed by delightful Gurbani about the 12 months, the changing seasons and man’s avastha in the backdrop of the 12 months. The 14th is a concluding pada and Guru Ji winds up with lovely observations about Naam. This is the 14th pada.

Firstly Guru Ji tells us whoever worshiped using Naam, all their affairs were settled.

“Jin jin Naam dhiaaya tin ke kaaj sarey”

Those who meditated upon the Perfect Guru (Shabad), who is in essence God Himself, they are adjudged true in the Court of the Lord.

“Har Gur Pura aradiya dargeh Sach kharey”

All comfort and peace is found in the Lord’s Feet (Bani) and one crosses the treacherous world ocean relying on Them.

“Sarab sukha nidh Charan Har bhauj bikham tarey”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Majh