SGGS Angg 1096.

Raag Maroo – Pauri no.7 of Maru Ki Vaar by M.5.

A Sikh exclaims in joy. He has been blessed with full faith in God and his fears have been removed.

He recalls the blessings he has received and sings Praises of God in gratitude.

When You, Lord are on my side what do I have to worry about?; You have entrusted everything to me as I surrendered to You, and became Your slave.

“Ja Tu mere val hai ta kya mochunda; Tudh sabh kich mainu saunpiya ja Tera banda.”

Now, my wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume; the 8.4 million species of beings all serve me.

“Lakhmi tote na aaveyi khaye kharach rahenda; lakh chaurasee medhni sabh sev karenda.”

All these enemies have transformed into my friends and no one wishes me ill; no one calls me to account, since God Himself has forgiven me.

“Eh vairy mitar sabh kiteayan neh mangey manda; lekha koye na pucheiye ja Har bakshanda.”

I have become blissful and am at peace, having met the Guru, Lord of the Universe; all my affairs have been resolved since You have been pleased with me.

“Anand bheya sukh paaya milh Gur Govinda; sabhe kaaj sawariye ja Tudh bhavanda.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Maroo