SGGS Angg 1

Pauri no.2 Japji Sahib.

Guru Ji tells us about God’s inexorable Hukam – His Cosmic Law which applies to all. It is very strict. His Hukam is Infinite can never be fully expressed.

By His Command all bodies (forms) are created. His Command is beyond words; by His Command, souls come into existence, and it is by His Command, that one obtains glory.

“Hukmi hovan akaar Hukam na kehiya jayee; Hukmi hovan jee Hukam milhe vadiayee.”

By His Command some are exalted, and some are wretched. One obtains pain and happiness according to His Written Command; some by His Hukam receive His Mercy (Forgiveness), while some by His Command, wander around forever.

“Hukmi utam neech Hukam likh dukh sukh paaiyeh; eikna Hukmi Baksheesh eik Hukmi sada bhavaaiyeh.”

Everyone is subject to His Command. None are (exempted) beyond His Command; Nanak says, if one understands His Hukam, he does not speak in ego.

“Hukme andar sabh ko bahar Hukam na koye; Nanak Hukme je bujhe ta haumai kahe na koye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Japji Sahib