SGGS Angg 1361.

Funhay (Phunhe) M.5

Phunhe or Funhe M.5, is a 23 pada Bani by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. In this Bani, the word “Harihan” appears many times. In fact this long Bani does not conclude pada 23 with the Signature “Nanak” but with Harihan.

Harihan has been variously interpreted. It is a combination of two words, “Hari” (God) and “haan” meaning “Yes God,” or “Dear God” “O Loving God.”

The word Phunhe or Funhe means to repeat as in

“punhe punhe balihaar.” (Ang 248).

As stated earlier, the word Harihan is repeated many times in this Bani.

The Bani records a long conversation between two jeev isteris. One is a Suhagan and has lovingly merged into the Lord. The other jeev isteri is a seeker. She makes all kinds of silly mistakes on the path to Union. For example she says.

“sakhi kajal haar tambol sabhe kich saajeiya; solhe kiye shingaar ke anjan paajiya” i.e. she feels her external decorations will make her attractive to the Lord.

She is rebuked by the Suhagan.

“Harihan Kante baaj shingaar (without His Naam), sabh birtha jaaiyeh.”

The conversation is delightfully described by Guru Ji with Divine insight.

In pada 15, the seeker has come to some realisation. She knows she is hopelessly caught in the false fragrance of maya, and is held tight by the maya lotus. She pleads with the Suhagan

“hai koyee aisa meet je torhe bikham gaanth?”

The answer the Suhagan gives is from the Guru. Only the Lord can tear those bonds and Unite you, the separated one with Himself.

“Nanak Ek Sridhar Naath je tutte ley saanth.”

At pada 16, the seeker is now in a frenzy. She loves the Lord. She runs in all directions seeking help; the five evil passions greatly torment her, and she asks how can they be destroyed?

“Dhaavho dasaa anek prem Prabh kaarne; panch sataave doot kavan bidh maarne.”

The Suhagan answers those questions. Shoot them with the sharp arrows of meditation on the Name of the Lord; (the Suhagan exclaims) Dear Lord the way to slaughter these terrible sadistic enemies is revealed by the Perfect Guru (Shabad).

“Tikhan baan chalaiye Naam Prabh dhiaaiyeh; Harihan maha bikhaadi ghaat Puran Gur paaiyeh.”

Read the entire Bani of Phunhe a few times and reflect upon it. Relate the questions by the seeker as if they are from you and be delighted by the answers given by the Satguru in the voice of the Suhagan.

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube
