In the first part of this Shabad, a Sikh prays for his jeev (soul) to be blessed with Naam.
We can relate to this Shabad, as life can be very tough and challenging.
“Aiso daan deho ji Santho jaat jio balihaar.”
Although You reside near me, I am enticed by pride, lured and entrapped by the five thieves. I seek the Sharan of the Holy Satguru. Please save me from these demons.
“Maan mohi panch dohi urjh nikkat bassio taaki Sharan Sadhua doot sang nivaar.”
I have wandered through millions of lifetimes and incarnations. I am exhausted. Lord, I have fallen at Your Door.
“Kot janam jonh bhramiyo haar bhariyo dwar.”
In the 2nd part of the Shabad, he receives blessings. The Lord is Merciful to him and he receives Naam as his Support.
“Kirpa Gobind bheyi miliyo Naam adhaar.”
This precious life has now become fruitful, as I have been carried across the world ocean.
“Dulabh janam safalh Nanak bhav utaar paar.”
Shabad Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh
Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube
Also read Shabad Veechar on “Aiso daan deho ji Santho jaat jio balihaar.” – Raag Kanrah – Ang 1307