SGGS Angg 1399.

Sawaiyee – Bhatt Nalh Ji.

Swaiyya in Praise of Guru Ramdas Ji. Bhatt Nalh Ji has 16 swaiyyas, and all are written in Praise of Guru Ramdas Ji. Modern scholars list 11 Bhatts, while some earlier scholars like Vir Singh Ji felt there were 17 Bhatt Sahibs.

As one looks at the numbering of the swaiyyas, one becomes convinced there were 11 Bhatt Sahibs.

In this Swaiyya, Bhatt Ji describes the Guru. Without the Guru there is utter darkness. Without the Guru, there can be no enlightenment; without the Guru there is no intuitive awareness, nor success. Without the Guru, there can be no salvation.

“Gur bin ghor andhar Guru bin samaj na aave; Gur bin surat na sidh Guru bin mukat na paave.”

O my mind enter the Guru’s Sanctuary and reflect upon the Truth; make Him your Guru who is exalted through the Shabad, and who can wash away your sins.

“Gur ka Sach bichaar Guru kar re mann mere; Gur kar Shabad sapunh aghan kate sabh tere.”

So speaks Nalh the Bard, with your eyes and your words make Him your Guru (Shabad); those who have not seen the Guru nor taken His Sanctuary, are useless in this world.

“Gur nayan bayen Gur Gur karo Guru Sat Kav Nalh kahe; jin Guru na dekhiyo nah kiyo te akyath sansar meh.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube
