SGGS Angg 653.

Raag Sorath – Slok M.3 from Sorath ki Vaar M.4.

Guru Ji tells us we need to instruct our minds to lovingly and single mindedly, focus upon the Lord. The Lord is always Gracious.

O my mind, meditate upon the Lord with single minded concentration; His Glory is forever, and He never later regrets over any Gift He bestows.

“Eh mann Har Ji dhiaaiye tu eik mann eik chit bhaaye; Har kiya sada sada Vadiaaiyan deh na pachotaye.”

I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord; serving Him, Peace is obtained; Nanak says, the gurmukh burns off his ego through the Shabad, and remains merged with the Lord.

“Hao Har ke sadh baliharne jit seviye sukh paaiye; Nanak gurmukh milh rahe haumai Shabad jalaaiye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Sorath