SGGS Angg 1379.

Slok Sheikh Fareed Jio Ke- Slok no. 35.

In our daily lives we tend to clothe ourselves with karmic burdens. Bhagat Ji uses the imagery of bedding to drive forth the pain and suffering man has weaved for himself and now sleeps daily in his miseries and pain.

Fareed, anxiety is my bed, pain is the cross woven string bed, and the pain of separation (from God) is my blanket and quilt; such is my life, O my True Lord and Master.

“Fareeda chintt khatola vaan dukh birhe vishavan lef; eh hamara jeevna Tu Sahib Sache vekh.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji