SGGS Angg 1107.

Raag Tukhari M.1

The Indian calendar lists the month of Chet as the first month. It is from mid March to mid April.

This Shabad is from Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Bara Maha, a Bani where the 12 months of the Indian calendar are used with a Spiritual theme. The jeev isteri pines for Union, sees the external moods of nature, and reflects upon her sad state of being separated from her Beloved. The journey is graphically described in most lovely terms and she is finally blessed with Union in the last month of Phalgun. In each month the kind Guru observes the jeev isteri and gives Divine Guidance.

She gazes at the woods nearby, and notices the Spring season is most pleasant. The bumble bees flit with joy; the forest is teeming with life. If only my Beloved would return to my home.

“Chet Basant bhala bhavar suhavrhe; bann phule manjh bahar me Pir ghar bahurhe.”

If the Husband does not return home, how can a soul bride find peace? My body is wasting away with the sorrow of separation; (even) the nightingale perched on the mango tree sings, how can I endure the pain in the depths of my being?

“Pir ghar nahi aave dhan kyo sukh paave birhe birodh tann chijjay; kokil ambh suhavi bolay kyo dukh ankk sahijay.”

The bumble bee hovers around the flowering branches, how can I survive? I am dying O my mother; Nanak says, in Chet, peace comes spontaneously if the bride soul Unites with the Lord within her own home. (So far she has been looking for Him outside.).

“Bhavar bhavanta phuli daali kyo jiva marr maaye; Nanak Chet sahaj sukh paave je Har Var ghar dhan paaye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Tukhari