SGGS Angg 1254.

Raag Malaar M.1.

Raag Malhar is a song of the rainy season and Shabads in this raag invariably will have reference to rain, droplets of water, rivers, oceans, storms, lightning and the like.

In this Shabad for example the phrase “sun ghan ghor” refers to the roar of thunderclouds. There is reference to “baras ghana”(pouring rain), “amrit boond”(trickling of amrit naam).

The Shabad starts with “baras ghana mera man bhinna.”
(My mind is drenched with the pouring of His Grace).

“Amrit boond suhani hiarey Gur mohi man Har rass leena.”
(Droplets of amrit Naam are pleasing to my heart: the Guru fascinates me and I am drenched by the sublime essence of the Lord).

The Shabad starts with a prayer by the jeev isteri to the Guru pleading for union with her Beloved.
“Karo bino Gur apne Pritam Har var aan milavhe.”

She hears the thunderclaps and she is assured that the Rain of His Grace will start soon.
“Sun ghan ghor sittal man mora lall rati gunn gavhe.”

After the rahao (given above), the rest of the Shabad is in shukrana by the gurmukh suhagan as she traces her journey and the joys of union with her Beloved.

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Malaar