SGGS Angg 1366.

Slok Bhagat Kabir Jio Ke.

This is Sloks 38, 39 and 40.

The central theme of these three Sloks is that we must eradicate our pride.

Starting with Slok 39, we are warned against pride. Moreover we must not laugh at those who are poor. Remember, your boat is still out at sea, who knows what may happen. (God can easily remove all your wealth, and smash all your pride. The imagery of world ocean has been used extensively in SGGS Ji. It is referred to as bhavjall – terrifying world ocean. Sometimes, aggan saagar – ocean of fire.

“Kabir garab na kijiye rank na hasiye koye; ajho so naao samundar me kya jaano kya hoye.”

Slok no 38 tells us not to be proud of our tall mansions; today or tomorrow you shall lie beneath the ground, and the grass shall grow above you.

“Kabir garab na kijiye ucha dekh avaas; aaj kaal bhoye letna upar jaame ghaas.”

Next comes Slok 40 where Kabir Ji tells us not to be proud of our looks, our bodies; today or tomorrow, you will have to leave it, like the snake shedding its skin.

“Kabir garab na kijiye dehi dekh sorung; aaj kaal tajj jahugey jio kanchuri bhoyung.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Bhagat Kabeer Ji