SGGS Angg 262.

Raag Gauree – Slok M.5 before the 1st Astpadhi Sukhmani Sahib.

It is noteworthy that Guru Ji has a Slok in loving rememberance of the Satguru before expanding on his Divine views on simran in the 1st Astpadhi.

Similarly, before we do simran, a short prayer to Satguru Ji will help to reinforce in your mind that you are in the Sharan of Satguru Ji, and it is the Satguru (Shabad Guru Ji) who will help in restraining the mind from wandering about.

Guru Ji starts by saying “Aad Gureh nameh” i.e. I do namaskaar to the Primal Guru.

Next Guru Ji says “jugaad Gureh nameh” i.e. I do namaskaar to the Guru who is Guru of all yugs i.e. Shabad Guru Ji is not confined to any particular time or space, but is Guru across the swathe of time.

Thirdly, Guru Ji says “Satgureh nameh” i.e. I do namaskaar to the Guru who is “Sat”. In Mool Mantar Guru Ji has explained that Naam is Sat. Thus the salutation is to the Satguru who is Eternal and who Gifts the Sikhs with Naam.

Finally, Guru Ji does namaskaar to “Sri Gurdeveh nameh”. The word “Sri” is a honorofic i.e. it is a reverent reference to Gurdev, the Divine Guru.

Some scholars have suggested that this Slok is also Guru Arjun Dev Ji’s unique mystical way of salutation to the four Guru Sahibs who preceeded him i.e. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, Guru Amardas Ji and Guru Ramdas Ji.

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Gauree