SGGS Angg 78.

Raag Sri Raag M.4

Guru Ramdas Ji has one Shantt in Sri Raag. It has 5 padas. This is the 4th pada.

As the jeev isteri is married off to her Husband Lord, she prepares to leave her parents home. She asks for dowry from her Father (Guru), to be taken to her new home.
It is important to note that the dowry she asks for is Naam. In one Infinitely powerful line, Guru Ji describes dowries of worldy goods and money as ostentatious displays by manmukhs. The Gurus treated men and women equally, and did not ever regard girls as a burden who have to be sent off with rich dowries.

The pada starts with a sweet request by the jeev isteri to her Father (Guru Ji), to bless her with the Lord’s Name as her wedding dowry.

“Har Prabh mere Babula Har devho daan mai daajho.”

Give me the Lord’s Name as my wedding gown and radiance, with which all my works can be accomplished.

“Har kaprho Har sobha devho jit swrey mera kajho.”

The Guru blesses her with Naam as her dowry, and she joyously exclaims the True Guru has given me the Gift of devotional worship. She says the Ceremony is made blissful and beautiful.

“Har Har bhagti kaaj suhela Gur Satgur daan divaieya.”

Across the worlds and in the Universe, the Lord’s Glory is pervading. This Gift does not diminsh by being diffused (shared) among all.

“Khand varbhand Har sobha hoyee eh daan na raley ralaiiya.”

Any other dowry which the manmukhs offer for show, is only false egotism and a worthless display.

“Hor manmukh daaj je rakh dikhlavhe so kurh ahankaar kach paajo.”

O my Father please bless me with the Name of the Lord as my wedding Gift and Dowry.

“Har Prabh mere Babula Har devho daan mai dajho.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Majh