SGGS Angg 213

Raag Gauree (Gauri) M.5

A Sikh is so happy that he can sing Praises of the Lord. The Sikh is a deewana, he sees God in everything and in every aspect of his life.

Lord, to sing Your Praises is my Treasure.

“Gunn keerat nidh mori.” (rahao).

You are my Delight, You are my Praise, my Beauty and my Love; God, You are my Hope and Support.

“Tuhi rass Tuhi jass Tuhi roop Tuhi rang; aas ote Prabh Tori.”

You are my pride, You are my wealth, my honor, and breath of life; the Guru has rejoined my love which was broken from You.

“Tuhi maan Tuhi dhaan Tuhi patt Tuhi praan; Gur tutti leh jorhi.”

You are the household and the forest, You are the village and the wilderness; Nanak says, You are near, so very near.

“Tuhi greh Tuhi bann Tuhi gaaon Tuhi sunn; hai Nanak nerh nerhi.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Gauree