SGGS Angg 679.

Raag Dhanaasree M.5.

In Gurbani, words used to describe love for God are “rang,” or “sachi preet.” Here Guru Ji describes one becomes a surmaa – a true warrior by “Har rang” i.e. love for God.

Guru Ji says one who has Har rang is a sura, (surmaa) a spiritual warrior. Such a sura conquers his inner misgivings and weaknesses; and he does all this in the Sharan of a Pura Guru.

“Ja ko Har rang laggo is jug me so kahiyat hai sura; atam jinnay sagal vass ta ke ja ka Satgur Pura.”

In the rahao, Guru Ji tells us if you indeed want to be a sura then you should sing Praises of the Lord with an inner deep love; do this in His Sanctuary, meditate on Naam, and with natural ease blend into the Lord in Celestial Peace.

“Thakur gaaiye atam rang; sarni paavan Naam dhiaavan sahaj samavan sang” (rahao).

As the Feet of Lord’s servant (Bani) abides in your heart, your body will be purified; please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of Your humble servants (i.e. may I sit in humility in sadhsanggat); that itself brings peace to me.

“Jan ke Charan bassay mere hiaarey sang punita dehi; jan ki dhur deho Kirpa Nidh Nanak ke sukh ehi.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Dhanaasree