SGGS Angg 816.

Raag Bilaaval (Bilawal) M.5.

Guru Ji speaks about God, and His Saints. Guru Ji uses the word Kartarpur, literally City of the Creator.
It refers to Sachkhand and satsangat (“vich sangat Har Prabh vassey jio”- Ang 94). It is through constant simran upon the Perfect Lord God, that all affairs are perfectly resolved; the Creator Lord dwells in His City, together with His Saints.

“Simar simar Puran Prabhu karaj bhaye raas; Kartarpur Karta vassay Santan ke paas” (rahao).

There can be no obstacles when you offer your prayers to the Guru. The Lord King is the Protector of His Saints

“Biggan na kouu laagta Gur peh ardas; rakhvala Gobind Rai bhagatan ki raas.”

There is never any deficiency. The Lord’s treasures are full to the brim; His Lotus Feet (Bani) are enshrined in my body and mind. God is Inaccessible and Infinite.

“Tote na aave kade mool puran bhandar; Charan Kamal man tan bassey Prabh Agam Apaar.”

All those who serve Him dwell in peace (jin seviaya tin paaya maan – Japji Sahib); it can be seen that they lack nothing; by the Grace of the Saints (Guru), I have met God, the Perfect Lord of the Universe.

“Bassat kamavat sabh sukhi kich uun na dissay; Sant Parsad bhetay Prabhu Puran Jagdissay”

Everyone celebrates the victory; the Lord’s Eternal Place is so beautiful; Nanak recites the Naam of the Lord which is the Treasure of All Peace; I have met (united) with the Perfect Guru (Shabad).

“Jeh jeh kaar sabhe kare Sach Thaan suhaaiya; jap Nanak Naam nidhaan sukh Pura Gur paaiya”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Bilaaval