SGGS Angg 877.

Raag Ramkali – Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Shabad from Raag Ramkali which has two rahaos.

In the 1st rahao a question is posed: “How do I cross the world ocean? I do not know how to die while I am still alive.”

“Kin bidh sagar tariye; jivtiya neh mariye.”

The rest of the Shabad explores various aspects of our lives which prevent us from being jivat mariye.

Man is troubled by dukh, roh (anger), asa, andesa (anxieties), and maya is a deep moat which drowns you. The Lord sits on an assan of Sat (Eternal Truth), Sachkhand within ourselves.

Towards the end of the Shabad in the 2nd rahao, Guru Ji explains that we have to live in this world ocean with Naam and despite all challenges one must live “asa bhitar rahe nirasa,” i.e. in the midst of all hopes and desires, one has to be detached from all desires.

That is the way to meet the Lord. “Inn bidh sagar tariye.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Gaund