SGGS Angg 1137.

Raag Bhairo M.5.

A Shabad in praise of Naam/God.

Guru Ji starts the Shabad by describing Naam as khoob – excellent.

“Khoob khoob khoob khoob khoob tero Naam.”

In contrast worldly pride is transitory – jhuth i.e. false and does not go with you hereafter.

“Jhuth jhuth jhuth jhuth duni gumaan” (rahao)

Khoob is mentioned 5 times while jhuth 4 times to indicate Naam is always Infinitely Superior and greater than the sum total of all jhuth.

Those who are Your banday – slaves (in bhagti), their vision is wonderful and infinite.

“Nagaj tere banday deedar apaar.”

Without Naam all else is mere dust.

“Naam bina sabh duniya shaar.”

Your Creative Potency is marvellous and Your Lotus Feet (Bani), is admirable.

“Achraj teri kudrat tere kadam salah.”

O True King, Your Praise is Priceless.

“Ganeev teri siftt Sache Patshah.”

God’s Sanctuary is the Support of the unsupported.

“Nidhareya dhar paneh khudayee.”

Night and day meditate upon the Lord, the Cherisher of the lowly and humble.

“Gareeb nivaaj din raen dhiaaiye.”

God has indeed been Merciful to Nanak.

“Nanak ko khud Khasam Merhrvaan.”

May I never forget the Lord who is my heart, my soul, my breath of life.

“Allah na visray dil jee praan.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Bhairo