SGGS Angg 1375.

Slok no 203 – Bhagat Kabeer (Kabir) Ji.

Everything belongs to God. We need to acknowledge and accept this. So long as there is any grip – moh (pakad) on any aspect of creation one has not truly surrendered his haumai, (ego) his appa (conceit).

Bhagat Ji says nothing is mine, whatever there is, belongs to You, Lord; since I surrender to You what was always Yours, what loss can I suffer?

“Kabir mera mujh me kich nahi jo kich hai so Tera; Tera Tujh ko saumpade kya laage mera.”

The Slok is short but very profound. We tend to cling tightly to everything. Children, houses, cars, money, fame. The right thing to do is to thank God for your children and everything He has given you. As you keep on doing shukrana for all He has blessed you with, you become less burdened and all those who you have surrendered/thanked God for, start feeling blessed themselves.

In contrast if you live with egoistic pride in your children etc. Gurbani says you will suffer karmic lekha. That thing you hold pride in is not yours. Everything belongs to Him.

“Putar kalatar ka kare ahangkaar; Thakur lekha manganhaar.” (Ang 1196)

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Bhagat Kabeer Ji