SGGS Angg 1416.

Slok Vaaran Tey Vadeek M.3

Slok no 30 out of 67 Sloks by Guru Amardas Ji.

This Slok tells us of the journey of the gurmukh. He may have gone through many separations, (lives), but this time, he places his faith in Naam and goes deep inwards. There he finds enlightenment and acquires the precious jewels of Naam (Attributes of God).

They may have been separated and alienated from the Lord many times, but this time they abide in fear of Guru’s Bhana (i.e. they do not want to breach it) and in love for the Satguru (Shabad).

“Vichar vichar jo milhe Satgur ke bhay bhaaye.”

As gurmukhs they meditate upon the Lord’s Name and they are made immortal, escaping the cycle of births and deaths.

“Janam maran nichal bhaye gurmukh Naam dhiaaiye.”

Joining the Guru’s holy congregation, they search for, and obtain diamonds and jewels (of His Name).

“Gur Sadhu sanggat milhay hirey rattan labhan.”

Nanak says, the Naam is priceless, the gurmukhs search for, and obtain it.

“Nanak laal amolaka gurmukh khoj lahen.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shahad Kirtan available on YouTube

Shalok Varaan Tey Vadheek