SGGS Angg 1409.


Bhatt Mathura Ji has 14 Swaiyyas in SGGS Ji. 7 are in Praise of Guru Ramdas Ji, and 7 are in Praise of Guru Arjun Dev Ji.
The Swaiyye are really in Praise of Nirankar Ji and the Guru Jote of the Satgurus.

This is the 7th Swaiyya by Bhatt Mathura Ji in Praise of Guru Arjun Dev Ji.

In the Age of Kalyug, the terrifying ocean of miseries, the Lord’s Name manifested as the Saviour; the Saintly ones in whose hearts, this Name abides, their pain and poverty are removed; the Lord is of Pure, Immaculate, Infinite Manifestation (Jote), there is none other like Him.

“Kal samudar bhaye roop pargat Har Naam udharan; basse Sant jis ridhay dukh daridar nivaran; Nirmal Bhekh Apaar Tis bin avar na koyee.”

One who knows Him in word, thought and deed becomes His Very Image; His Divine Light (Jote), Perfectly pervades the earth, the sky and the nine regions of the planet; Mathura (the Poet) declares, Gur Arjun (Shabad roop) is verily the Manifest Personification of the Lord Himself.

“Mann bach jin jaaniyo bheyo teh samsar soyee; dharan gaggan nav khand me Jote Saroopi rehiyo bhar; bhan Mathura kich bhed nahi Gur Arjun Partakh Har.”

Shabad Viakhya by Manjeet Singh 

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube
