SGGS Angg 538.

Raag Bihagara (Bihagda) M.4.

Guru Ji tells us about Amrit Naam and the amazing blessings it brings.

The Name of the Lord is Amrit Naam O my soul, and it is obtained through the Guru’s Teachings.

“Amrit Har Har Naam hai meri jindrihye Amrit Gurmatt paaye Raam.”

Ego and maya are poisons O my soul, Amrit Naam removes these poisons.

“Haumai maya bikh hai meri jindrihye Har Amrit bikh leh jaaye Raam.”

As one meditates upon the Naam O my soul, the withered mind gets rejuvenated.

“Mann sukh hariya hoeya meri jindhriye Har Har Naam dhiayeh Raam.”

Nanak says as the Lord writes your high blessed destiny O my soul, one merges into the Name of the Lord.

“Har bhag vadde likh paaya meri jindhriye jan Nanak Naam samaye Raam.”

Shabad Viakhya by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

Raag Bihagara