Guru Ji said we are all perishable and must remember death. It will come to all of us. No matter how bad a person is, there is still hope if he prays to God. This body that you think is so precious, does not go with you, nor does your family. Do your worldly duties but remember, you came alone and will have to depart this world alone. The base of our prayers should be love. Love is important to unite with God. Metha tek only to SatGuru Ji and not others, shares Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji in his katha of Raag Tilang and Raag Suhi, SGGS Ang 725 to 731.The veechar was on Monday, September 21st, 2020 at Parliament Gurdwara.

Ang 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731

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Raag Tilang/Raag Suhi