It is a misinterpretation of the Shabad that breathing exercises can lead us to God as told by Bhagat Jaidev Ji in SGGS Ang 1106. He is the oldest contributor to SGGS with two Shabads, and the other is at Ang 526. Apart from Bhagat Jaidev Shabads, the Bani of Bhagat Kabeer Ji, Bhagat Namdayv Ji and Bhagat Ravidas Ji make up the last few Angs of Raag Maru from SGGS Ang 1102-1106, veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji at Parliment Gurdwara on Monday, 20th February, 2017.

Ang 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106

Raag Maru