Raag Ramkalee – Ang 954

This Slok by Guru Nanak Dev Ji is found at Angg 953/4, SGGS Ji.

Guru Ji lists an astonishing number of persons from the Hindu Scriptures and ordinary persons of the world who had to cry because of their karmas.

Guru Ji starts with Indra, king of the devas. He was cursed to have a thousand marks of shame upon his body for lustfully defiling Ahalya, the chaste wife of Gautam Rishi.

All had to suffer pain, losses and indignities because of their earlier actions.

The law of karma carries on relentlessly. In the final two lines, Guru Ji says only if one truly believes in Naam, can he triumph over the lekhas of past karmas as the Lord can in His Mercy erase any lekhas. No other method or action to annul the severity of past karmas is of any use.

“Manne Naao soyee jinn jaaye; Auri karam na lekhe laaye.”

Listen to the Shabad many times and reflect upon Guru Ji’s Sachi Bani.

Bhai Ji further elaborated on November 18, 2024:

When doing Vichar on any Shabad it is important to know how Guru Ji uses any particular word in different Shabads.

“Bali” means young woman. It refers to the jeev isteri within us. God is often referred to as “Baal,” forever Young.

When the jeev isteri falls in love with God within the body, maya, weeps in pain as she knows that jeev is out of her clutches.

Angg 763, “Maee Nirasi roye vichuni Bali Balhe hetey”

The next word is “Bhatar.” Literally, it means “husband.”  In the context of Gurbani, however, the word “Bhatar” means Shabad. Guru Amardas Ji says, at Angg 311,

“Sacha Shabad Bhatar hai sada sada raaveihe.”

Thus, the imagery in Gurbani of marriage is the Union of Shabad and Suratt.

In this Shabad, Guru Ji says all created beings had to cry at some time or other due to their karmas.
Indra cried as he was punished for defiling Ahalya.

Paras Ram cried as he returned home and saw his father Jamdagni slain by Sahasbahu.

Ajay Raja cried as he had to eat mounds of manure he had given to a sage, pretending it was charity.

Ramchadar wept as he went into exile and later, was separated from Lakshman and Sita.

Raavan who had kidnapped Sita, cried as he saw Lanka in ruins.

The Pandvas who once lived with Krishan, cried as they had to do manual labour.

Janmeja had gone astray and he cried when he was declared a sinner for his one mistake.

The Sheikhs Pirs and Guides cry as death strikes them and they endure agonies.

Kings weep as they lose their thrones and with disfigured ears, beg from door to door.

The miser weeps as he leaves all his wealth behind.

The Pandit cries as his learning fades away.

Then Guru Ji concludes. Why do they all weep? Because their jeev isteris were never United with the Lord.
“Bali rovhe nahe Bhatar.”

The result is “Nanak dukhiya sabh sansaar.”

Gurbani is always optimistic. Guru Ji says despite all the crying, if one believes in Naam, he can be victorious over all karmas.

“Manne Naoo soyi jin jaaye.”

No other method besides Naam is of any use.

“Auri karam na lekhe laaye.”

Listen to this Shabad many times. Try to memorise it. It encapsulates the Essence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Teachings.

Shabad Veechar by Bhai Manjeet Singh Ji

Shabad Kirtan available on YouTube

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